Also access our fast Building Specifications System within our Web App.
For more guidance, you can view the Quick Start Video or Further Info Guide.
Or take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions.

Start the 'Specifications' Web App
1. There are several ways of opening the Web App, but one is to click the Specifications button on the Left-Side Panel to open the App.
[Once you have started compiling your Specification within the app, you should not leave the page until you have finished and copied the note.
To open another page without leaving the app, right-click the link and select 'Open in New Window'.]

Select Category
2. Once you have started the Web App, begin by selecting a Specific Category from the left-hand column within the app eg Drainage or Foundations.
It may be useful to work through the list of categories from top-to-bottom, so that you don't miss anything out.

Pick a Subcategory
3. Go to the second column which shows subcategories. There are usually several subcategories from which to choose. Pick the relevant one for your plans.

Add a Note to the Specification
4. You may need to click through several choices before you reach a Building Note.
When you do reach a Buiding Specification that you need, click on the 'Add Note to Note-List' button to add that note to your Specification.
**Some notes have optional construction detail drawings (CAD & jpeg formats) for purchase. Just add them to your basket and purchase at the checkout. You can review your basket and go to the checkout at any time.

The Specification / Note-List
5. Individual Building Specifications are shown in your Specification in the order in which you added them. Use the scrollbar to review the list, if you require.
If a note doesn't meet the exact requirements for your project, you can edit it with the 'Edit Notes' feature. See the Further Info Guide for additional guidance on this function.

Select and Copy into your CAD Program
6. Once you have added the notes and completed your specification, use the 'Copy Notes' button to copy the finished Specification to the clipboard.
Some browsers don't support the copy function, in which case the button will read 'Select Notes'. Click it, then manually copy the highlighted Specification by right-clicking (over the specification) and clhoosing 'Copy' from the menu.
In either case, paste the finished Building Specification into your CAD program.

Navigating through the Notes
The Navigation Bar shows the path you have taken through the subcategories.
You can use it to navigate back through subcategories.
For more guidance, see the Quick Start Video.
To begin compiling your Building Specification, use the Specifications App.