Mobile Browsers (Webkit 3.1 on touch-screen Android phone)
Whilst creating a Building Regulations Specification on a mobile phone may not appear to represent the most ideal and professional work situation (please see note below**), MyBuildingSpec performed successfully when used on a touch-screen mobile Smartphone.
We tested on an Android phone with Webkit 3.1 browser and found that it functioned very smoothly and we achieved creation and editing of a Note-List which was then pasted into an email.
Once the Note-List is finished, guidelines for copy and paste into an email are as follows:
- Click the Note-List textarea. The textarea is then highlighted with a thin green border.
- Touch-hold the Note-List textarea until the 'Edit Text' menu appears.
- Choose 'Select All'. The text should then be highlighted in green (or orange).
- Touch-hold the Note-List textarea again, until the 'Edit Text' menu appears.
- This time, choose 'Copy.
To paste the copied text, eg into an email, first create a new mail message, then:
- Touch-hold the email message area until the 'Edit Text' menu appears.
- Select 'Paste' from the menu.
- Your Note-List should appear in your email.
**Note: Although this may be a convenient way to use MyBuildingSpec, we do stress the importance of checking that the correct specifications have been selected, on a full-sized monitor. As with any technology, we believe that its responsible application, is the key to its real success.