Also access our fast Building Specifications System within our Web App.

Register here to use the Fully Functional Building Specifications Web App.
Try the video tutorial
For guidance see:
For further guidance:

Our library of building specifications and detail drawings is a valuable resource for builders and architects. Detail drawings can be purchased individually on the website or in a registration package which includes both our Building Specifications and a library of Detail Drawings.
Register now to gain access to our library of Details Drawings and Building Specifications.
Some of the Detail Drawings are accessible on the Construction Detail Drawings page but many are available via the Specifications Web App.
For Specifications and Detail Drawings for UK Building Regulations (England/Wales) see BuildingRegs4Plans Website.
Construction Detail Drawings are available in DWG (AutoCAD), DXF and JPEG formats.
Drawings in DXF Format
Detail Drawng purchases now include DXF format.

Drawing Compatibility
Check compatibility with your system here, with the sample detail drawings.
For many of the Building Notes there is a corresponding Construction Detail Drawing that can be purchased for a moderate fee for use on your architectural plans.
To purchase construction detail drawings for use in your plans, go to the relevant section in the App and Add drawing(s) To Your Cart.
Altermnatively, there is a small selection of common detail drawings, here:

Go Pro with Access to All Detail Drawings!
Why not register for a MyBuildingSpec account with full access to the detail drawings?
The beauty of this system is that when you browse through our Building Specifications, you can download the corresponding drawing straightaway!
Building Regs Forum
Checkout the Building Regs Forum on BuildingRegs4Plans.

iPad Compatibility
We have tested our Specification Apps on iPads & can confirm that the system works very smoothly.
So you can now compile your Building Specifications with the convenience of an iPad!

Register for an Account
MyBuildingSpec account gives you open access to the detail drawings use of our MyBuildingSpec Specification App. More info here.

Building Specifications.
The Construction Notes and Specifications form an essential component of a Building Plan.
Compiling a Building Specification for a construction plan can prove to be an arduous task.
This is where our innovative and easy-to-use App for producing Building Specifications for Construction Plans comes into its own, offering more than simple construction guidance.
Here's a screenshot of the Building Specification App:
Our categorised pre-prepared Building Specifications Construction Notes can be added within the App with a few clicks of the mouse into a specification that is custom-designed to meet the requirements of your Building Project.
Many of our construction notes are very specific, so please select the correct one for your situation (ie correct dimensions, type of insulation) and type of plans.
To tryout our Building Specification App, you can begin straightaway by clicking the Specifications App button above. To access the full Specifications you'll need to register for an account. But you can see part of our specifications on the app (although the 'copy' function has been disabled for non-registered users.)
If you want some help and guidance before getting started please look at our Quick Start Guide or watch the 3-minute Quick Start Video. There is also a useful FAQ page.

We believe that MyBuidingSpecs can take the hard work out of manually creating a Construction specification from Building Specifications with the aid of our Specifications App.
Lastly, we hope that you enjoy using our website and app!
The MyBuildingSpec Team.
Construction Detail Drawings
As well as the drawings shown with the relevant Building Specifications, we have a section of quick links where you can easily access a range of common drawings taken from our extensive Library of Details Drawings.