Also access our fast Building Specifications System within our Web App.
Construction Detail Drawings
Drawings are directly downloadable in Jpeg (1600 by 1200px), DXF and DWG (cad) formats.
Note: Please check the relevance to the Detail Drawings to the Regulations in your locality.
Foundation Detail Drawings (Includes Jpeg, DXF and DWG [cad] via Download)
Ground Floor Detail Drawings (Includes Jpeg, DXF and DWG [cad] via Download)
Solid Ground Floor Details
Additional Construction Details Drawings
As well as the small selection of foundation, wall, floor and roof construction detail drawings shown here, many of the Building Notes have a related Construction Detail Drawing, with specific dimensions eg rafter sizes, spans, insulations types, for purchase individually or by registration.
Drawings can be added to your basket as you view the related Specification within the Web Apps. Alternatively, registration gives access to all of the Detail Drawings as well as the full specifications.
Incorporating Building Specifications on your plans with relevant, specific detail drawings should enhance your plans with an extra degree of clarity and professionalism. Our Registration Schemes permit commercial use on Building Specifications Plans.
To get started compiling your Building Specification, Click here.
Drawings are available in Jpeg, DXF and DWG formats.
The DWG CAD format is compatible with
To ensure compatibility with your CAD application, please download and test the free drawings below and to the right.
Payment for Construction Detail Drawings
Payment for construction detail drawings is made over a Secure Https Connection and can be made either via Paypal Account or with Credit/Debit Card.
If you wish to Pay via Credit / Debit card, please use the section, on the left of the Paypal webpage, entitled 'Don't have a PayPal account?'.
By Debit / Credit Card Payment
Once payment is completed, click on 'Return To MyBuildingSpec' where you will be able to collect your drawings.
By Paypal Account
Once payment is completed, you will automatically be sent back to the MyBuildingSpec website where you will be able to download your drawings.
In case of either payment method, you will also receive an email with login details so that you can alternatively login and retrieve your drawings. Payment verification may take a few seconds while Paypal notify our site of a successful transaction.
Additional Construction Details Drawings
To purchase additional construction detail drawings, go to the relevant notes section, on the Web App. Drawings are available for purchase at a moderate fee, when you view the related Building Note Specification.
To begin compiling your Building Specification with our App, start here.