Building Specifications
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My Building Spec - Building Specifications
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Specifications App for Construction Plans Specifications and Detail Drawings
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Also access our fast Building Specifications System within our Web App.
Further Info Guide to the MyBuildingSpec App
Building Specifications for Plans Notes


Editing and customising Your Specification / Note-List

Once you have compiled your Building Specification, you can reorder it, edit it, and delete individual notes.

First, click the 'Edit Notes' button to open the 'Edit Notes' Window.

Customising a Building Specification

Customising a Note

With the 'Edit Notes' Window now open:

  • Select the relevant Note Heading from the Heading List on the left.
  • Then select the 'Edit Note' button.
  • Edit the Note in the Text Area on the right.
  • When finished editing, either 'Apply' or 'Discard' the editing using the relevant button.
Building Specifications Note for Partial Fill Cavity Wall


Deleting a Note

  • Select the relevant Note Heading from the Heading List on the left.
  • Then select the 'Delete Note' button.
  • The chosen note should will be deleted from your Specification / Note-List.
Building Specification, Warm Flat Roof


Reordering Notes

  • Select the relevant Note Heading from the Heading List on the left.
  • Then click the 'Shift Up' or 'Shift Down' button.
  • The Note will be moved up or down in the Specification / Note-List.
Building Specifications Notes, Editing a Specification



Closing the Edit Notes window

Once you have finished editing your notes and construction specification, exit the 'Edit Notes' window using the 'Close' button.

Important Note: You should check the relevanvce of these Building Specs and Detail Drawings with your local/country requirements.

Basic guidance for using the App to create a Building Specification is here: Quick Start Guide.

For additional guidance, you can view the Quick Start Video.

To start the App and begin compiling your Building Specification, go to the Specifications Web App.

Building Specifications for Construction Plans App on Laptop

Building Specifications and Details Drawings for Construction Plans
Compile your Building Specifications
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House Front Elevation
Foundation Detail
Foundation Detail
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Building Specifications and Details Drawings for Construction Plans
Web Apps for Building Specifications
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